Saturday, January 5, 2013

24 Things Project

Can’t believe that it has been nearly 3 years since I have contributed to this blog! I have reduced, but have neglectfully failed to journal, or even think about the reasons that certain physical objects that, for me, are hard to let go of. My intentions were divine; my outcome, not so good. Thankfully, this day gives me another chance for positive action.

Inspired by this website (thank you, Amber!) it is my renewed project to give away 24 things that I have been saving for significant reasons and/or an unusually long time, but have not been using. Time to really clear the clutter, journal the stories, break the habit of saving things that would be more useful in the hands of someone else. I expect this introspection to be both painful and hysterical, ultimately gratifying and freeing. So excited to travel 24 things more lightly!


  1. Cheers Alison! I'll join you in this exciting experiment! Love you and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Amber, for introducing me to 24 things, and for your support. I can't wait tp hear your outcome, too!

  2. H! So glad you are joining in on 24 Things! I have linked you to our bloggers list.. keep tossing and clearing and stick to your sankalpa! namaste

    1. Thank you so much for adding me to your bloggers list. What a wonderful concept! I know this is going to take more than 24 days, because of time restraints as far as the writing. I want it to be meaningful! Perhaps, if I journal the stories here, I will be less anxious about giving away the stuff that has been significant in the past.
